Thursday, March 26, 2015

PISCES MOON SIGN! `Pastor Rosemary

PISCES MOON SIGN (Moon in Pisces)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Hello Pisces Moon! Your Love Angel is Amnitziel. You are the one everyone else is looking for because you are deeply psychic and know just how others feel. You’re romantic, genuine, and funny (even if grumpy people don’t get your jokes sometimes! Loyalty is your pride; fearless curiosity is your tribe, and empathy is your discipline. I’m Pastor Rosemary, thank you for joining us!

People actually love your quirky humor and rely upon your comic relief looking to you to bend your ear when no one else will listen to their woeful tales. This may drain you of vital energy at times but there’s nothing you love more than being there for friends and family. Day dreaming can get the better of you especially since what you envision easily comes about fast in the real 3D world because you know how to manifest! Put those talents to work and don’t attempt to control the outcome. Allow your dreams to become lucid and come to your waking conscious mind but at that point, don’t try to control the outcome and you will find things easier and more to your liking. The secret to easy manifestation is trust. Your must trust your own subconscious mind and the universal unconscious to bring you all that you truly desire rather than focusing on what the left logical brain noise of the anxious ego thinks it wants.

The ego wants to over-stand rather than understand. The ego wants to get the skinny on who’s who, what’s what, and why is everyone around me so silly? The silliness is due to Pisces Moon’s own wondrous wit and charm reflected back to you by the Universal Soul we think of as God when in actuality, yes God is Nature and much more! Too look down on everything the ego beholds is breathtaking for the ego yes, but the soul knows just how strong, compact, and true the cliff upon which one eyes survey the valley’s landscape really is. With all this ability to understand the feelings and motives of others, Pisces Moon must beware allowing the downhearted mood of others you are helping to uplift, bring you down. Don’t allow those in need of your reassuring mood to deprive you of your own happiness and comfort.

What makes folks completely speechless and amazed at Moon in Pisces is your ability to feel the experience of others without having to have ever actually experienced the situation yourself. Your creative side makes you enjoy both entertaining and being entertained by beautiful music, art, plays, movies and books. It’s easy for you to feel injured when criticized or rejected and thus others often misunderstand your feelings and intentions thinking you cold or without sentimentality never suspecting just how sensitive you really are! Pisces Moon needs to seek spiritual or organized religious systems that will give you the structure you need to fend off worry about ‘what if’ scenarios that can cause you to develop anxiety syndromes. When you were a kid, it was easy for the village bully to get you to go along with the crowd by playing to your idealistic temperament and natural curiosity that they found could lead you into rash behavior meant to corral your loyalties towards them.

Possessing one’s Moon in Pisces doesn’t make for an individual that enjoys struggle in the material world however. You like your world comfortable and secure. You hold your property and possessions close but it’s the realm of emotion that adds spice to your life and meaning to your existence here on planet earth, or upon whatever planet you care to visit. Pisces moon needs to know how appreciated they are by those closest to them to avoid overly fantastic ideations, pity-parties, or vexing musings about a dystopian future probabilities. If you are single minded you will have what you will and if you are of a double mind you will not. That is the way of it. Consider Matthew 6:22-23 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.

Keep tuning in for more planets in Pisces!

Thank you for joining us Pisces Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!

The Astrology Angel

by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary ©2015 The Astrology Angel ©2015 Readings by Rosemary ©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

AQUARIUS MOON SIGN! `Pastor Rosemary

AQUARIUS MOON SIGN (Moon in Aquarius)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Hello Aquarius Moon! Your Love Angel is Cambriel. You are on the move with power lunches and abdominal crunches! You’re perky, witty, and progressive! Family is your pride; career is your tribe, and long hours dutifully attending to your work is your discipline. I’m Pastor Rosemary, thank you for joining us!

People love your enthusiastic and empathetic nature so you make friends quite easily. You see the world as an awesome wondrous place that causes you to want to understand those around you and find out just exactly what they’re all about. Your humanitarian and independent feelings cause you to deny that there is any cronyism, any real sin, envy, or corruption in the world and prefer to look on the positive side of life allowing the better aspects of the human condition to express themselves like a dominant gene. You enjoy frequencies that are out of this world and what you do best is take freaky and wild ideas unintelligible to most and bring them down into the realm of matter making these ideas understandable to the common man or the ordinary Joe.

Those who know you best understand that you can be temperamental when you don’t get your way but they also know that you mellow with long term acquaintance. You like quirky, extravagant people because you often feel special or singled out from the norm and enjoy those who you see as similar to yourself in this way. Where you differ from a true eccentric and merely enjoy observation thereof, is in the practice of never allowing others to see you in your true form or peer into the disturbing parts of your subconscious mind. This is where your dreams are unmanifest due to your embarrassment over the necessity of chaos and the disturbing to be exposed for any true notoriety or success of great import to become apparent.

Once someone has slighted you no matter how close the relationship is, you stay hurt and nothing but God himself can move you from your new perspective of the offending party even if it’s a spouse who hurt you. This may cause you to feel lonely much of the time even if you appear to have loads of friends and look good on paper. If you have taken a firm stand in your refusal to give a second chance to those who have stood up to you, there can be no new opportunity for you in the things you want most which is true connection with others. This is especially important for you in your family life and for your extended family to grow and prosper.

Career is easy for you when you put your mind to it and it is only the task of choosing where to focus and what to diligently pursue that is ever the question. People love your egalitarian and secular humanist philosophy and see you as spiritual rather than religious. Both you and those around you may easily forget just how much you are ruled by the very laws you may deride due to the Aquarian ruler of Saturn’s effect of restraint on your emotions. You do have emotions but they are kept in check by this strict archon that has a poor opinion of sloppy emotive antics. The Moon can wiggle out of the rings of Cronus however and at times, reveal your true nature much to your horror and much to the gladness of those closest to you!


Keep tuning in for more planets in Aquarius!

Thank you for joining us Aquarius Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!

The Astrology Angel

by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies


CAPRICORN MOON SIGN (Moon in Capricorn)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick


Hello Capricorn Moon! Your Love Angel is Hanael. You are bringer of the Morning. The Higher Self is the place you inhabit! I’m Pastor Rosemary, thank you for joining us!

Moon in Capricorn people focus on using all of their senses to ensure both emotional and physical security through the achievement of status, position, and realistic outcomes. This leads Moon in Capricorn to great successes in life and gives those lucky enough to be involved in any kind of love relationship or friendship with them the ability to enjoy the fruits of their steady nature. Capricorn Moons love that which can improve their lives and the lives of those they care for in an enduring way. They seek the glory of a new dawn looking for better days ahead and realistic ways to achieve real improvement in the material aspects of their lives. Moon in Capricorn doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, they care if you and your behavior can afford them increased status, wealth, power, and control over their lives as well as the lives they oversee and organize. They may seem strict in how they deal with feelings but this grants them the ability to give when no one else can or will saving up for those most deserving of their time, attention, charity, and generosity.

It may be hard to lure a Capricorn Moon into your life but once you do lure them in, they are there for the long run. Be aware that these self reflective Moon Signs are charming but demanding once you have their attention. If you back down to them they won’t respect you so stand your ground if you want them to like you. If you want their love you must be in possession of rock solid status, power, and money. They may come off as materialistic in love nevertheless they come through when the chips are down for those they consider advantageous. If you are a colossal waste of time they won’t give you a second look. These people are deeply psychic but they make sure you never find out how powerful they really are! They saw through problems to get to the core of situations finding the truth, the places of strength and weakness in any creature or situation so make sure you are true to yourself if you encounter Capricorn Moon.

The mysteries of the Divine Feminine are awakening in the astral bodies of those with Capricorn Moon Sign by order of the Lesser Angels who serve Capricorn’s Archangel Hanael. Christ Consciousness is brought to an inner and personal state when Capricorn Angels work on the outer garment of the soul. That which is outside looks important to those not yet understanding the importance of the inner nature which endures longer than the physical body. At the core, its only the relationship between the inner Christ the three Supernal Sephiroth in Rosicrucian Qabalah that survives this world.

Keep tuning in for more planets in Capricorn!

Thank you for joining us Capricorn Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!

The Astrology Angel

by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies