Wednesday, September 21, 2016

SCORPIO MOON SIGN! `Pastor Rosemary

SCORPIO MOON SIGN (Moon in Scorpio)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Hello Scorpio Moon! Your Love Angel is Barchiel. You enjoy intensely tumultuous relationships where vigilance is thrown recklessly to the wind. Fun, enjoyable, and amusing times are your pride; people who live by their wits are your tribe, making promises to others that actually come true is your bribe. You neither want to have to “control” yourself when it comes to emotional relationships nor do you want to hear tranquil assertions to be peaceful or mindful for you want your romantic interests to be frantically in-need with you thus creating desperate romances and distressed friendships like no other! Your life is your great secret not up for discussion by others. Scorpio Moon possesses superb instincts albeit always attempting to hide them behind a daunting pretense meant to keep others at bay. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!

People can’t resist Scorpio Moon’s ability to peel away the protective skin from any issue exposing the tenderest and rawest parts of your inner soul as well as theirs. Wounds from the past and scrapes that have not yet been experienced are your forte making you desirable to creatures that live rather drab hum-drum lives. You liven up even the dullest of conversations seeking to interject exhilarating topics and modes of conversation or whatever form of communication is at hand at any given moment.
This is where you outwit your rivals Scorpio Moon! People just can’t get enough of your realistic, gritty; it’s all about the angst personality or your viscerally nonchalant attitude. You’re certainly a true friend when others treat you as such, and more often than not, you treat people well even when they have offended you in the past but this is only because you coldly let them know right from the beginning where you stand on the issues that usually concern people the most. Speaking your mind without concern of gaining anyone’s approval earns you the right to govern your own life for your sovereignty in your inner and outer worlds are well established by your strength. Friendships are important to you and easily attained however you put family first causing Scorpio Moon’s life to be based upon creating an environment where security is established for the purpose of then allowing for healthy creativity. Indeed, your virtue is creativity and your vice is destruction, both considered attributes of the divine principle. Others consider themselves lucky to be included in your life even though Scorpio Moon is not demanding on others but rather, seeks to build your own rich inner and outer worlds bringing people towards you and your world easily. You rule with care over your relationships and expect others to do the same. When compassion is not forthcoming you move along to others because there is always someone wanting to pamper you! You consider that life should be easier, safer, and more rewarding especially to those who have paid their dues and you set your sites on helping the underdogs showing them how they too can win at whatever goal their heart desires. You counsel practicality but encourage making dreams come true.
Your family friends, romantic interests and spouses consider Moon in Scorpio people intense to be around taking immense delight in your humor, curiosity and creatively intelligent verbal jousting. Flirtation comes easily to you but alas, others don’t always understand your intent towards them. Folks often mistake the meaning of your words for something guarded because you don’t too much enjoy Pollyanna types and you certainly don’t engage in their kind of eternal buoyancy. You like to get down to the real life subjects of our existence on this planet and see what’s really going on. The visceral parts of your life such as birth, sex, death, and debt are especially important to female Lunar Scorpions. Male Scorpio Moon creatures have meaningful relationships with their families but might have trouble leaving their parents and siblings and therefore could become loners. Friends are easily attracted to you but Scorpio Moon has such strong defense mechanisms that you often push these types of friends away.
The Lunar Scorpion possesses the ability to intoxicate any romantic prey with poisons brewed by repressed emotions if not born under the auspice of an emotional water Sun sign or passionate fire Solar trait. Scorpio Moon wants at all costs to deflect people from discovering their true inner nature because their deepest heartfelt landscapes are susceptible in the extreme. Lunar Scorpions have secretive mannerisms meant to protect core issues thereby pushing away any probing inquisitors who seek to uncover truths that are actually quite disturbing to their inner sanctity rather than caring about what anyone else actually thinks should outsiders find their ways to be of improper portent. At work or when assigned to important tasks Scorpio Moon individuals are known for their quality of discretion in keeping confidentialities buried deep within a closely guarded heart without intending or conspiring to harm the other but only to protect the nakedness of the visceral self. People born with their Moon in Scorpio speak as if they are dissecting their own hearts giving the impression that they are deeply feeling individuals who are powerless against predators except for their acidic stinging tail that stuns their prey after being lured in by seemingly innocent albeit hardened exterior armor. Don’t be fooled by Scorpio Moon’s true center of power which is the solar plexus that filters experience through and from the sexual and reproductive organs towards the heart giving naive first impressions. Second impressions often contain sexual overtones that finally segway into pinpointed stings against the ego of the intended target.
Scorpio Moon Sign likes to keep people guessing by keeping their true feelings and emotions hidden so that they can gain and maintain the upper hand in any contest be it social, romantic, or sports. Lunar Scorpions don’t like to start arguments they way Scorpio Sun sometimes does. Moon in Scorpio has very deep yearnings to go for what is most deeply felt in life even if that means using the negative side of their Divine Tone which is “I Destroy” which on the positive side is “I Create” the first being a vice and the latter being a virtue. Scorpio Moon desires circumstances that are treacherous, precarious, and out of commonplace experience so they are able to feel they are truly living. What is popular is always unexciting to the Lunar Scorpion for being part of a prevalent trend meant for mass consumption is certainly not to their taste preferring what is obscure and of superior value.
What is most enjoyable about Moon in Scorpio people is their ability to connect with others on a profound level since what matters most to them is to feel their relationships are rich with provocative experience. Moon in Scorpio possesses the ability to make their life into anything they wish and do well in relationships with water and earth signs, especially Taurus Moon because this astrology moon sign offers emotional stability to them. Again it’s important to remember that these exciting creatures desire to appear very much the opposite of what they really are. They fear they are in reality, just following trends because they are terrified of opinions that they are nothing special. So special, they try desperately to be. In other words, underneath the flamboyantly risqué exterior lurks a hard working and loyal individual who wants what we all want, that being love and acceptance. Keep things at an upbeat pace if you want to impress the Lunar Scorpion but don’t expect them to come around for any overly sweet syrupy antics meant to cheer them up. They want to get others to expose their gloomy disturbing inner fiends and they are glad to show you their troubled personality traits because all of this highly entertaining messy realism makes them feel close to others. Beware catching them on a bad day because they sometimes are determined to get into disagreements if only for the purpose of testing their debate skills with individuals they consider their intellectual equals sparing with intent to win any gaming template currently in vogue. They actually seek to be put in their place when they misbehave being in need of the discipline they feel they are sorely lacking within themselves.
Possessing one’s Moon in Scorpio grants one the ability to sympathize with others when it comes to fighting against social mores seen as attempts to place draconian limits upon society at large that ultimately lead to unnecessary restrictions or censoring of artistic, intellectual, or spiritual ideals. Doing what they please is of vital importance to them but then again, those they gather around themselves are encouraged to do their bidding without question out of love rather than fear. If you fancy yourself an independent, dominant, or easygoing type of person you will not fit into their entourage for they require emotional even romantic power over others at all costs. Scorpio Moon seeks to control by infiltration and will work tirelessly to sway others to their side in any situation only to then cull the herd of associates when deemed prudent and necessary for survival of the greater good. Remember that Scorpio Moon will sting you but not in the same way a Scorpio Sun does. Those with their Moon in Scorpio will sting you emotionally if they feel betrayed even if betrayal is not the intention of their rivals for they want to be loved by everyone without competition. Lunar Scorpions counter the touts of their bewildered opponents who insist that they are just “doing their thing” with insistences of feeling deceived by those they once considered friends.
Lunar Scorpions want to possess another especially in love so they engage in activities and conversations meant to keep the people they want in their life devoted to them. If a Moon in Scorpio person doesn’t want you in their life don’t worry about it, you won’t be because they have a knack for making sure you don’t come around but they don’t burn bridges either even though they are self protective of their sensitive inner feelings. Scorpio Moon will negotiate when necessary and for those who get on their good side, they make terrific friends because romance is the area of their lives where the real drama of life takes place so their friends and family relationships are more easily managed as well as being incredibly important to them.
Keep tuning in for more planets in Scorpio!
Thank you for joining us Scorpio Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperatrix; Hierophantia H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2016 Pastor Rosemary
©2016 The Astrology Angel
©2016 Readings by Rosemary
©2016 Reality Matrix Technologies

All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

LIBRA MOON SIGN! `Pastor Rosemary

LIBRA MOON SIGN (Moon in Libra)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Hello Libra Moon! Your Love Angel is Zuriel. You enjoy the luxury and refinement of a creatively expressed romantic milieu. You place great importance on fashioning a love life that shines brilliantly upon your romantic interest which brings both you and they abundant joy! Life is a work of art to you and Libra Moon wants to make it a gorgeous representation of your inner callings. Beauty is your pride; people who go with the flow are your tribe, keeping your options open is your bribe. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
People can’t resist your divine balancing act demonstrated every time the Moon goes into one of her phases. This is where you shine Libra Moon! Folks just can’t get enough of your charming personality or your charismatic wit. You’re not a loner by any stretch of the imagination becoming the best you can be when surrounded by supportive friends. Everyone enjoys friendship, but Libra Moon requires many associations and frequent contacts them to feel complete and to feel you are winning at life’s game. Indeed Libra Moon, others need you in their lives to keep their lives balanced seeing things from all sides as well as considering the long term effects of interjecting any new factor into the equation of any established situation. Others also enjoy the inner peace you project allowing for calm in circumstances where others might continually engage in alarmingly animated behaviors.
Your family friends, romantic interests and spouses consider Moon in Libra people fun to be around taking great pleasure in the numerous intellectually inspiring conversations. You’re a natural flirt but your family and homemaking are important to you be you female or male Libra Moon. Friendships are easy for you since people attract to your lighthearted ways and light touch upon those who tend towards high-strung personalities. You spot a problem in any relationships or work situation quickly, with little effort, and without any ado making sure to avoid persons who solve their problems with violence. Where you love exhilarating debate you also loathe the destructive flares of a mean-spirited temperament. Libra moon is sensitive to the light of divinity having attained the sixth sense of knowledge of the spiritual realms gaining access to the Akashic Records, Torah Codes, and the like. You resonate with spiritual groups that are a bit off the beaten path of organized religion. You often join them or lead them bidding them to allow the ancient codex of healing medicinal and elixirs to come through their bodies via channeling guided meditations or psychic sessions.
Libra Moon Sign likes to have the last word in any argument and will fight for what they think is best for them. Moon in Libra is a winner in any dispute because conflict is disagreeable to their polished constitutions. The Venusian Moon finds and engages in casual friendships and romantic relationships easily and feels safe within the boundaries of a family or a group where they can languish in the reassurance of sheer safety in numbers. Fickleness is often associated with those whose Moon sign illuminates The Scales but your intuition moves you out of situations that you determine to be out of balance for you at any given time.
What people find most entertaining about Moon in Libra people is their lively and lighthearted nature possessing both an ability to discuss intelligent subjects as is the preview of Air signs while simultaneously still being in touch with their heart. This makes Libra Moon popular thus easily attracting many associates making sure to rally the troops to their cause when necessary. When Libra Moon suspects that anyone or anything is out of alignment all parties concerned are immediately called to arms to forge new pathways towards freedom and dignity. Libra Moon is able to sense when others are in danger as well as being fervently attuned to high frequencies which produce information about when and where steps need to be taken to protect individuals who are more sensitive than most to the outcomes of those involved in difficult circumstances. Moon in Libra doesn’t favor showing how deep your emotions reach down into your very soul, but there are times when you want others to know that you actually do have feelings and that your behavior is often the opposite of what your heart requires due to the strict logistics that direct your thoughts and actions. Again Libra Moon’s heart is often at an 180 Degree position from where your alert mind guides you.
Possessing one’s Moon in Libra grants one the ability to guide others towards their true inner callings rather than following the dictates of domesticated society where humans become mere fodder for large institutions wishing to tame human beings and nature it’s self into animals of burden and slavery. Libra would have the feral aspects of the personality be allowed expression and freedom leaving room for nature to flourish without the stench of human greed gumming up the works of Mother Nature’s Universal Organism. One might ask why Creator has allowed the immortal soul to be cast down into a realm of animalistic desires posing the question, “If God wants us to resist the flesh, why does he incase us in the very thing we are to distain?” The answer lies in the need to create within all of nature a need for that which has been sent to elevate it, the Son, Jesus Christ, to pull the creature up to his level by causing a yearning for the spiritual over the corporeal. Any Sun God of the Corn revives nature each day and each year but only Christ pulls nature up to his level upon rising and in this he is singularly efficient for the purposes of God the father as explained in the ZOHAR and in the works of Christian author C. S. Lewis such as THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE; MERE CHRISTIANITY; and THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS; to name just a few. In our longing to become like the Creator, we are pulled into similitude with his nature because we sense our need for him. Libra Moon is able to traverse both the world of the natural and the realm of the spiritual without the conflict experienced by most other beings having various chimeras or sphinxes formed from zodiacal aspects in their personalities and astrology charts.
Keep tuning in for more planets in Libra!
Thank you for joining us Libra Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperatrix; Hierophantia H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2016 Pastor Rosemary
©2016 The Astrology Angel
©2016 Readings by Rosemary
©2016 Reality Matrix Technologies
All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

VIRGO MOON SIGN! `Pastor Rosemary

VIRGO MOON SIGN (Moon in Virgo)
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Hello Virgo Moon! Your Love Angel is Hamaliel. You make sure your romantic life is perfect and in proper order before you agree to dive into any committed relationship. Discipline is your pride; efficient people to share your well-being with are your tribe, and tending to the details of everyday life for those who are not as competent as you is your bribe. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
People can’t resist your Lunar Moon Goddess or Moon God Virtues! Virgo Moon is a giver but must maintain order to be able to give in a way that is pleasurable to both you and those fortunate enough to share your life. You keep everyone’s ducks in a row and attend to the things in life that actually matter the most. Those who think you are overly sensitive attempting to get you to believe this about yourself are simply envious of your analytical skills when it comes to how easily you figure out human emotions or twisted story lines.

Your family, friends, romantic interests and spouses consider Moon in Virgo people indispensable and worth their weight in gold! Thus the Virgin Moon will find that others make heavy demands upon you because you are the one that pays attention to life’s smallest details, the important pinpointed facts that give life meaning. The people who just can’t get enough of the Lunar Virgin are wandering aimlessly through the pointless forest of their lives most, if not all of the time. The good news is, this actually puts you in charge! This leadership you enjoy nevertheless is not the kind of control that demands to have your way but rather looks for how you can assist others with their goals and desires. The Virgin Moon’s inner nature seeks to serve.

Virgo Moon Sign likes to keep others healthy and well cared for. Virgo needs to remember to care for your own self seeing to your own personal needs because others are caring for themselves! Virgo does best in regards to friendships and romance, even work, if you surround yourself with people who have significant amounts of Virgo in their charts for example a rising sign or major planet in the sign of The Virgin. You will then be able to organize your life in a manner that is doable and pleasing to you! Getting together with others who are overly dramatic and unable to contain this trait are exciting but sadly they are also a ticket to great unhappiness for Virgo. Stick with those you can count on.

What people find most entertaining about Moon in Virgo people is their ability to keep those close to them amused with stunts and antics that are really never over-the-top. You seek to make others happy keeping them entertained and that is just what you do best! Bouts of melancholy emotions can get the better of The Virgin so make sure to spice up your life with more fun and avoid becoming a workaholic to brighten your mood and that of those individuals with which you involve yourself.
Possessing one’s Moon in Virgo gives one the ability to lead others albeit in a clandestine manner helping them to attain and/or retain independence. Independence is a popular and known Virgo trait nevertheless leadership is not a quality usually assigned to the natural zodiacal Sixth House of Virgo. Again, this is due to your quiet and gentle coaxing of others towards their own happiness moving yourself out of the way so as not to inhibit them. Virgo needs to understand however that this might at times be overdone on your part and you will do better to involve yourself in more communication and volley of ideas with those you care about. Feeling guilty is a quality that makes Virgo a “good person” but it might lead you to self destructive characteristics therefore you should understand that guilt is not something that is helpful when overdone but rather should be moved through and dropped at one point moving on to more happy feelings and topics in life enabling you to enjoy nature’s great banquet!

Keep tuning in for more planets in Virgo!
Thank you for joining us Virgo Moon Sign, we’ll see you soon!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperatrix; Hierophantia H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2016 Pastor Rosemary
©2016 The Astrology Angel
©2016 Readings by Rosemary
©2016 Reality Matrix Technologies

All rights reserved.